Immigration Reform has Stalled…Now What?

With comprehensive immigration reform stalled in the House of Representatives, and President Obama inundated with complaints from the Latino activists, the President recently ordered his Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Jeh C. Johnson, to conduct an evaluation of all deportations of illegal immigrants.  

When it is predictably confirmed by DHS Secretary Johnson that the far majority of those immigrants removed from this country are not dangerous criminals, but are rather hard working people trying to make a better life for their family, President Obama will have a few options at his disposal besides sitting back and waiting for the House to act on immigration reform. Continue reading “Immigration Reform has Stalled…Now What?”

Is Deferred Action Possible if Immigration Reform Continues to Stall in House

This is a well written article that discusses President Obama’s options if immigration reform continues to stall in the House.   Deferred Action for those immigrants who would benefit from the Senate’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill would certainly be better than the status quo.

When will the House act on Comprehensive Immigration Reform?

All has been quiet on the immigration reform front since Congress went on recess in August, and as of today, September 24, 2013, there seem to be more questions regarding comprehensive immigration reform than answers.  The following are three questions on the minds of all parties affected by any pending legislation. Continue reading “When will the House act on Comprehensive Immigration Reform?”

Client Testimonials

Practice Areas

Temporary Protected Status Temporary Protected Status
We have extensive experience representing clients who are eligible for Temporary Protected Status
Permanent Residence Permanent Residence “Green Card”
We can help you get permanent residency (green card) through family-based immigrant visas and employment-based immigrant visas.
Deportation Deportation/Removal
We defend individuals who have been placed in removal/deportation proceedings.
Non-Immigrant Visas Non-Immigrant Visas
We help clients determine which visa category is right for them and assist them with the petition and visa processing.
Naturalization Naturalization (Citizenship)
We help clients in every step of the Naturalization process. From preparing to file, to the post-interview follow-ups, we provide clients with our legal services.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Appeals
We provide a detailed review of your case that was denied and prepare arguments using the facts and law to address the issues.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Waivers
We have extensive experience preparing waiver applications for clients who require a waiver to become a lawful permanent resident (green card holder)
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DREAMers”)
We have successfully handled hundreds of deferred action cases for “DREAMers” and continue to assist the next generation of young Americans.
Personal Injury Personal Injury
We represent clients who have been injured in auto accidents, premises liability (slip/trip and fall) cases, negligent supervision cases, dog bite cases, and construction accidents.
Practice Areas Additional Practice Areas
We represent clients who are involved in court cases in a variety of matters such as family law, uncontested divorce, adoption, criminal defense, personal injury defense, and general litigation.

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