Author: prmg
Biden Administration Proposes “Transit Ban” For Asylum Seekers
The Biden Administration has put forward a proposed rule that, if accepted, would make it significantly harder for some asylum seekers to obtain asylum when they come to the U.S. This rule would prevent anyone who traveled to the United States after passing through another country from seeking asylum, unless they also first sought asylum in those other countries. For many asylum seekers, this “transit ban” could have a negative impact on their ability to obtain asylum and remain in the U.S. legally.
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Seven Types of Child Injury That Can Lead to Litigation
While every parent hopes to keep their children safe from harm, child injury is an unfortunate fact of life. While many of these injuries are unavoidable, some might have been prevented if only adults were careful enough with the children they are entrusted with protecting. When that happens, it can lead to lawsuits by parents seeking justice for the harm their children suffered. Here are seven types of child injury that can lead to litigation:
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Senators Discuss Bill to Address Border Security and DREAMers
In a new proposed bipartisan bill, several U.S. senators are looking to find a compromise solution to issues related to border security, as well as help for DREAMers (immigrants who were born outside of this country, but came to the U.S. at a young age.) The bill, if passed, would introduce a number of dramatic changes aimed at reducing the number of immigrants in detention facilities, as well as introduce a potential path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children. However, the bill faces an uphill battle to obtain passage, with some members of the House and Senate already announcing their opposition.
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Why is it Important to See a Doctor After an Accident?
If you have been in a serious accident, you still may be in shock, and decide to go home without being examined by a doctor. However, going to see a doctor after an accident is extremely important, not only for your own personal health, but also for any litigation that might result from the accident. But why is it so important to see a doctor after a serious accident?
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Federal Court Strike Title 42 Rule
In a ruling passed down on November 15, a district court judge struck down Title 42, a pandemic-era policy intended to make it harder for many immigrants to seek asylum in the United States. According to the ruling, the policy was not passed in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, making it illegal under federal law. This means that asylum seekers will have an easier time pursuing legal protections when they cross the border into the U.S.
Why Are Electrocutions So Common on Construction Sites?
While often overlooked, electrocutions are one of the four biggest causes of workplace accidents and fatalities in America. Construction workers are at an unusually high risk of electrocution. Why do construction workers get electrocuted so much, and what happens if they get hurt?
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What Are U-Visas, And How Do You Become Eligible For One?
U-visas are an important tool for many immigrant victims of crime as a way to help them obtain legal immigration status. For some, a U-visa can offer an opportunity to potentially pursue permanent residency or citizenship in the future. But what are U-visas, and how do you become eligible to obtain one?
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Five Common Ways That Immigrants Can Have Their Visas Revoked
When an immigrant comes to the United States for work or family purposes, they must have an appropriate visa. Without this visa or other immigration documentation, they are at risk of immigration consequences, potentially leading to deportation proceedings and removal back to their country of origin. Here are five of the most common ways that immigrants have their visas revoked, potentially resulting in the risk of removal:
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Court Approves Settlement in MAVNI Lawsuit
A federal court has approved a settlement between beneficiaries of the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) program and the United States government, allowing more participants in that program to obtain military naturalization. The settlement, once implemented, will allow foreign citizens who served in the U.S. Army with “uncharacterized” discharges, as well as those currently serving in the Army, to pursue U.S. citizenship. For many who served in the military, this is a welcome development that could help them on the road to naturalization.
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